Friday, August 05, 2016

Girl Defined

Girl Defined

I love books that don't try to put women into a box, that allow them to be the women God has created them to be, and that give them the tools to walk in that role with confidence!
I deeply appreciated that the authors didn't try to dictate that women need be a certain way (too many books expect that every woman's goal should be to become the proverbs 31 woman when some are called to be our Deborah's or Priscilla's!) but gave them the freedom to walk in the specific plan that God has designed for them!
I am going to be recommending this book to our youth group girls, they're so inundated with society's version of perfection and beauty that books like this are invaluable. I appreciate that Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird spiritually set out in this book where women's real value comes from and what real beauty looks like. This is one of the few books on "Biblical" womenhood that I can fully get behind, that has a great message of what it means to be a woman of God.
I highly recommend this book!! Wonderful!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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