This book made me feel all kinds of better about my abilities as a mom! Like mentioned in her books, we're surrounded by so many blogs, books, tv personaities, etc... that all try to tell us how we as parents ought to be raising our children. So many of these places raise the expectations so high that it's almost impossible to fulfill them!
I loved how Jean Blackmer gave really open, honest, and truly common-sense approaches to parenting, the idea's she presented were simple, well explained and highly attainable! But even more than that, I loved that she also made room within her suggestions to let people know that their own parenting style, that their own ideas of parenting are still ok! We weren't asked to become these cookie cutter type mom's who should all only live one way, parent one way in order for us to raise our kids the "right way".
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".