Friday, June 29, 2012

Waiting for Sunrise

Waiting for Sunrise, Eva Marie Everson, 978-0-8007-3437-4

When I first started this book, it had a feeling of the familiar and something that I felt I could almost recall, So I looked up the author and found that she'd written a few other books that I've reviewed, and most specifically a book called "this fine life" that I've read probably a half dozen times. Her writing style is so unique and has an easy laid back feeling to it, while at the same time presents an intelligent well thought out story. So I was pretty stoked once I realized who wrote the book, I loved her previous ones and this one wasn't an exception!!
There are time that I don't overly enjoy a novel that deals with the harsher realities, I find them a little too depressing and generally read a book to get lost in a good story rather than read about the "real life" type problems. However with the way Everson wrote this book, and the way the story was shown, although it dealt with some strong emotions and some heavy topics it was an absolutely amazing book. I'm sure this'll be another one of those books that will be read and reread throughout the years!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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