Sunday, January 30, 2011

Paradise Valley

Paradise Valley, Dale Cramer, 978-0-7642-0838-6 I loved this book so much! If you've read this blog at all, I'm sure you're aware by now of my absolute love of all things Amish! So i was very excited to get this book and get right into it! This book happened to be by an author I hadn't read before, but will now be adding to my list of authors to keep an eye out for! I loved his writing style, it had a great flow and was really easy to follow.
The story is really based around an Amish community that is facing persecution for their choices regarding their children. When it (the persecution) becomes too much, some families are left feeling like they need to start anew. Throughout this book I found my self holding my breath at the parts that were scary, and celebrating with the characters when good things came their way. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the Amish fiction genre!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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