Saturday, April 30, 2011

When Life's Not Working

When Life's Not Working, Bob Merritt, 978-0-8010-1378-2

Like I mention at the beginning of every non-fiction book I review, I'm not overly into reading any kind of self-help, non-fiction type books. Life is busy enough that I'd rather just read for enjoyment, and I don't usually find these types of books enjoyable.
That's said though, I really did actually enjoy this book, and not only that my husband (who is a pastor) also did! It's one thing when I find a book that I love, and find to be a great resource, but it's quite another when I find one that will also help my  husband in his ministry!
I don't think there is one person out there that can say that they've never faced a difficult time in their lives, and Bob Merritt addresses these situations and how to handle them properly, with out undue stress!
I think one of the subjects that he wrote about that spoke to me the most, was rather than doing many things poorly, do a few things well. As a minister's wife this is one area that I really struggle with, when you see a need it's hard not to try and fill it, even if it means stretching yourself too thin. And one of the harder things to admit while reading this book is that I really have taken on more than I should handle, and those ministries suffer when I do that. I'd rather take on only a few ministry projects and do them well then try to fill all the spaces and do them poorly!
Ministry family or not, this book was fantastic and I think will really bless any reader!
Highly recommended!!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.

Available at your favourite bookseller from Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group".

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