Out of all the books I've read recently, I think this one has had the biggest impact in my life. As the mom of a boy, I struggle like many others to develop and hold onto the bond we have. In a house of all boys, there are struggles to really understand what my son is going through, and how I as a mom can be there for him.
This book gave some great advice and really gave me some absolutely wonderful insight into the role I play in my son's life, and the importance of fulfilling that role for him!
My son is almost 11 and on the verge of hitting the teen years, so I was mostly interested and excited to get my hands on the section of the book that talks about their teen years. In all honesty I've been slightly dreading the coming years, as I see the teens of today I worry that perhaps I haven't done enough for my child, that I haven't prepared him enough. With this book however I feel I am better equipped at helping my son through these years. I loved the insight Leman gives into the lives of boys, its something that I've not easily found, nor understood!
I HIGHLY recommend this book to any mom of a boy, it is invaluable!!!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".