Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Christmas Shoppe

Christmas Shoppe, The, Melody Carlson, 978-0-8007-1926-5

I'm struggling with this book, while it was well written and I adore Melody Carlson's books, this was far too much like Stephen Kings "Needful things" book (Minus the sinister element of course). The shoppe is opened by a woman resembling a bag lady who seems to be trying to run a second hand shop, and resembles nothing of Christmas, or a shop that would sell Christmas items. However as time goes on the town begins to find that the shoppe holds a special item for each of them, and their faith is increased and their pasts forgiven.
I really do want to give this a great review, and for the most part it was so well done. Melody Carlson is an author I've read many times and her books are wonderful, full of sentiment and so heartwarming. A perfect book for Christmas! However I just can't get past the idea that this book wasn't as "original" as her books tend to be. (and don't get me wrong, I highly recommend this author, she is a wonderful writer and her books are fantastic.) But for those who haven't read "needful things" they'll probably thoroughly enjoy the book. (And I did enjoy it despite of some of my misgivings.)

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group".  

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