I am such a huge fan of Billy Graham, he is one of the few evangelists who manage to stay on course once they begin to garner a large amount of the public's attention. In a time where many public evangelists are not living what they're preaching, its such an encouragement to see him remaining so faithful and faith-filled! I've read many of Billy Graham's books and immensely enjoyed them, so I had some pretty big expectations when I started this book! In his book "Nearing Home" Billy Graham seems to be using a more conversational tone, which I really enjoyed. Reading this book was very much like sitting down seeking advice with a beloved friend! As a younger adult (can being in my 30's still be considered a younger adult? lol) I'm not in the dilemma that parts of the book speak about. However I found the advice still to be so insightful and tactful. He lovingly suggests ways to be respectful to those who are at the nearing home time of their lives, and he gives insights on how we can still help take care of them without taking over them.
I loved this book, its a message that I think our younger generations need to take to heart.
I highly recommend!!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group".
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